Time Series Forecasting using Deep Learning: Combining PyTorch, RNN, TCN, and Deep Neural Network Models to Provide Production-Ready Prediction Solutions
- Length: 314 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: BPB Publications
- Publication Date: 2021-10-15
- ISBN-10: 9391392571
- ISBN-13: 9789391392574
- Sales Rank: #701337 (See Top 100 Books)
Explore the infinite possibilities offered by Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks
Key Features
- Covers numerous concepts, techniques, best practices and troubleshooting tips by community experts.
- Includes practical demonstration of robust deep learning prediction models with exciting use-cases.
- Covers the use of the most powerful research toolkit such as Python, PyTorch, and Neural Network Intelligence.
This book is amid at teaching the readers how to apply the deep learning techniques to the time series forecasting challenges and how to build prediction models using PyTorch.
The readers will learn the fundamentals of PyTorch in the early stages of the book. Next, the time series forecasting is covered in greater depth after the programme has been developed. You will try to use machine learning to identify the patterns that can help us forecast the future results. It covers methodologies such as Recurrent Neural Network, Encoder-decoder model, and Temporal Convolutional Network, all of which are state-of-the-art neural network architectures. Furthermore, for good measure, we have also introduced the neural architecture search, which automates searching for an ideal neural network design for a certain task.
Finally by the end of the book, readers would be able to solve complex real-world prediction issues by applying the models and strategies learnt throughout the course of the book. This book also offers another great way of mastering deep learning and its various techniques.
What you will learn
- Work with the Encoder-Decoder concept and Temporal Convolutional Network mechanics.
- Learn the basics of neural architecture search with Neural Network Intelligence.
- Combine standard statistical analysis methods with deep learning approaches.
- Automate the search for optimal predictive architecture.
- Design your custom neural network architecture for specific tasks.
- Apply predictive models to real-world problems of forecasting stock quotes, weather, and natural processes.
Who this book is for
This book is written for engineers, data scientists, and stock traders who want to build time series forecasting programs using deep learning. Possessing some familiarity of Python is sufficient, while a basic understanding of machine learning is desirable but not needed.
Cover Page Title Page Copyright Page About the Author About the Reviewer Acknowledgement Preface Errata Table of Contents 1. Time Series Problems and Challenges Structure Objectives Introduction to time series analysis and time series forecasting Time series analysis Time series forecasting Time series characteristics Random walk Import part Random walk generation Trend Import part Import part Result Seasonality Import part Result Stationarity Time series common problems Forecasting Modelling Anomaly detection Classical approaches Autoregressive model (AR) Autoregressive integrated moving average model Result Seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average Result Holt Winter’s exponential smoothing Result Classical approaches: Pros and cons Promise of Deep Learning Python for time series analysis Pandas Numpy Matplotlib Statmodels Scikit-learn PyTorch Conclusion Points to remember Multiple choice questions Answers Key terms 2. Deep Learning with PyTorch Structure Objectives Setting up PyTorch PyTorch as derivative calculator Function creation Computing function value Result Import part Create computational graph Result Result Result PyTorch basics Tensors Tensor creation Random tensor Reproducibility Common tensor types Tensor methods and attributes Math functions Deep Learning layers Linear layer Result Convolution Result Kernel Weight Padding Result Stride Result Pooling Result Dropout Result Activations ReLU Result Sigmoid Result Tanh Neural network architecture Result Result Improving neural network performance Do not put two same layers in a row Prefer ReLU activation at first Start from fully connected network More layers are better than more neurons Use dropout Put Deep Learning blocks in the beginning Training Loss functions Absolute loss Mean squared error Smooth L1 loss Optimizers Adagrad Adadelta Adam Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) Time series forecasting example Result Import part Train, validation and test datasets Import part Conclusion Points to remember Multiple choice questions Answers Key terms 3. Time Series as Deep Learning Problem Structure Objectives Problem statement Regression versus classification Time series regression problems Time series classification problems Univariate versus multivariate Univariate input - univariate output Multivariate input – univariate output Multivariate input – multivariate output Many-to-many Many-to-one Single-step versus multi-step Single-step Multi-step Single multi-step model Multiple single-step model Recurrent single-step model Datasets Feature engineering Time series pre-processing and post-processing Normalization Result Trend removal Result Differencing Result Sliding window Result Effectiveness and loss function Static versus dynamic Architecture design Training, validating and testing Alternative model Model optimization Summary Example: UK minimal temperature prediction problem Dataset Result Result Architecture Alternative model Testing Import part Making script reproducible Number of features Preparing datasets Initializing models Loss function and optimization algorithm Training process Evaluation on test set Getting results Conclusion Points to remember Multiple choice questions Answers Key terms 4. Recurrent Neural Networks Structure Recurrent neural network Result Import part Making this script reproducible Parameters Preparing datasets for training Initializing the model Training Evaluation Performance on test dataset Training progress Gated recurrent unit Result Import part Making this script reproducible Parameters Preparing datasets for training Initializing the model Training Evaluation Performance on test dataset Training progress Long short-term memory Result Import part Making this script reproducible Parameters Preparing datasets for training Initializing the model Training Evaluation Performance on test dataset Training progress Conclusion Points to remember Multiple choice questions Answers Key terms 5. Advanced Forecasting Models Structure Objectives Encoder–decoder model Encoder–decoder training Recursive Teacher forcing Mixed teacher forcing Implementing the encoder–decoder model Import part Encoder layer Decoder layer Encoder–decoder model class Training Model evaluation Example Result Import part Making script reproducible Global parameters Generating datasets Initializing Encoder–decoder model Training Prediction Visualizing results Temporal convolutional network Casual convolution Dilation Temporal convolutional network design Implementing the temporal convolutional network Import part Crop layer Temporal casual layer Implementing temporal convolutional network TCN prediction model Example Import part Making script reproducible Global parameters Generating time series Preprocessing Preparing datasets Initializing the model Defining optimizer and loss function Training Training progress Performance on the test dataset Conclusion Points to remember Multiple choice questions Answer Key terms 6. PyTorch Model Tuning with Neural Network Intelligence Structure Objective Neural Network Intelligence framework Hyper-parameter tuning Search space Trial Tuner Hyper-parameter tuning in action NNI Quick Start Import part Defining search space Search configuration NNI API NNI search space NNI Trial Integration Time series model hyper-parameter tuning example Deep Learning model trial Import part Global parameters Dataset, optimizer, and model initialization NNI search Import part Search space Maximum number of trials Search configuration Neural Architecture Search Hybrid models Result Implementing hybrid model Import part Casual convolution layer Hybrid model Optional casual convolution layer Obligatory RNN layer Optional fully connected layer Hybrid model Hybrid model trial Hybrid model search space Hybrid model architecture search Conclusion Points to remember Multiple choice questions Answers Key terms 7. Applying Deep Learning to Real-world Forecasting Problems Structure Objectives Rain prediction Result Import part Model preparation function Global parameters Model hyper-parameters Locations and features to train on Sliding window dataset Train-validation split Converting all datasets to tensors: Initializing the model Optimizer Loss function Training Import part Global parameters Preparing datasets Initializing the model Loading the trained model Making the predictions Alternative predictions Computing scores Printing the results COVID-19 confirmed cases forecast Import part Model preparation function Global parameters Model hyper-parameters Preparing sliding window datasets Creating train/validation datasets Converting datasets to tensors Initializing the model Training and getting the results Import part Global parameters Creating the input Initializing the model Making the prediction Plotting the prediction Result Algorithmic trading Result Result Result Result Import part Model preparation function Global parameters Model hyper-parameters Preparing sliding window dataset Creating train and validation datasets Preparing tensors Model initializing Training Import part Best hyper-parameters Global parameters Sliding window dataset Creating tensors Initializing and loading the model Evaluating Result Conclusion Points to remember Multiple choice questions Answers 8. PyTorch Forecasting Package Structure Introduction to PyTorch Forecasting package Working with TimeSeriesDataset Import part Creating TimeSeriesDataSet Working with TimeSeriesDataSet object Initializing built-in PyTorch Forecasting model Import part Making script reproducible Initializing Deep Autoregressive model Creating custom PyTorch Forecasting model Import part Defining PyTorch Forecasting model Implementing the forward method Initializing the custom model A complete example Result Conclusion Points to remember Multiple choice questions Answers 9. What is Next? Structure Objective Classical time series analysis Deep learning Studying the best solutions Do not be afraid of science Expanding your toolbox Conclusion Index
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