The Personal Finance Cookbook: Easy-to-Follow Recipes to Remedy Your Financial Problems
- Length: 272 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Wiley
- Publication Date: 2024-01-31
- ISBN-10: 1394210299
- ISBN-13: 9781394210299
- Sales Rank: #406316 (See Top 100 Books)
Buy Valium Diazepam 10Mg A fun and straightforward approach to learning personal finance and budgeting
source site In The Personal Finance Cookbook, Certified Financial Planner™ certificant and celebrated social media creator Nick Meyer delivers a fun and engaging toolkit for a variety of personal finance tasks, including budgeting, investing, and buying a house. In the book, you’ll find a cookbook-style collection of “recipes” detailing the steps you need to take to complete various common and important money-related tasks. You’ll learn how to avoid the “paralysis by analysis” that often traps people into doing very little about their personal finances before it’s too late. You’ll also discover how to take meaningful, concrete steps toward change and positive action.
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- The best ways to start saving for your first home and your first car
- The steps you should take before and while applying for your first credit card and strategies for building your credit rating
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