The Digital Agile Leader: How to Attract, Develop and Retain Top Talent in an Ever-Changing Digital World
- Length: 214 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Indie Books International
- Publication Date: 2023-04-27
- ISBN-10: 1957651377
- ISBN-13: 9781957651378
- Sales Rank: #0 (See Top 100 Books)
Leadership is not for the faint of heart, especially as the demands of leaders are ever-changing. To thrive in the new world of work, you need to become a digital agile leader who is self-aware, forward-thinking, curious, and adaptable. These leaders question the status quo and have empathy for themselves and others. The Digital Agile Leader will show you how you can improve retention in the new world of work and lead effectively through change.
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