Python: 3 books in 1: Python basics for Beginners + Python Automation Techniques And Web Scraping + Python For Data Science And Machine Learning
- Length: 482 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publication Date: 2021-07-28
- ISBN-13: 9798546127725
- Sales Rank: #0 (See Top 100 Books)
Are you thinking about learning how to use the Python programming language? Thinking about getting started on a programming career?
Python is one of the easiest computer programming languages to learn and use, with simple syntax and easy rules to follow. While it is aimed at beginners to Python coding, this book can also be used as a reference for those with a little more experience who want to brush up on their skills. The codes are also written in a way that you can change the values to see how different things work.
Once you have mastered this guide, you can move seamlessly onto more experienced topics but I cannot stress enough the importance of practicing the codes regularly.
Here’s what you will learn:
- Python Datatypes
- Python Strings
- Python Lists
- Python Tuples
- Python Conditionals
- Python Dictionaries
- Python For Loops
- Python While Loops
- Python Break & Continue Statements
- Python Functions
- Python Classes
Don’t waste any more time. Scroll up, click on Buy Now, and get started on your Python programming journey!
Have you wondered if there were fun things you could do with Python? Have you ever believed you can improve tasks using Python? If you’ve answered yes, then you have come to the right place.
Python is a language that offers an approachable syntax and great readability. The language resembles English, is simple when compared to other languages and is easier for people to learn. With only a little time, you can write simple programs.
Python also comes with data structure support, and this is something we will be looking at in the book.
Throughout the book, you will learn about:
- Python and its installation on your system
- Data types and variables in Python
- Data structures and creating them
- Working with functions
- Scraping information off the web
- Steps to automate tasks in Python
- And more!
The book has many examples you can use to understand how to scrape data from the Internet and clean it for your analysis. The book also has exercises to help you improve your understanding of the concepts. With this book, open a whole new world of possibilities with Python!
Are you thinking about learning data science? Do you know how to code in Python and want to take your learning further? Then you’ve come to the right place.
Data is more available today than it ever has been and in much larger quantities than ever before. And it’s only set to increase. Because of that, we need to evolve in how we process data, and that’s where data science comes in.
But let’s not forget machine learning, a subset of data science that offers us ways of examining and analyzing data to draw meaningful insights. Machine learning and data science are our future, and if you choose not to go down the route of learning it to an expert level, you should at least understand how it all works.
Here’s what you will:
- Learn what data science and machine learning are and their limitations
- Be introduced to NumPy and working with NumPy arrays
- Be introduced to Pandas and data manipulation
- Be introduced to Matplotlib and Seaborn and data visualization
- Discover an in-depth introduction to machine learning
- Master popular machine learning algorithms
- Learn how to implement classification and regression with Python
Python is the most popular computer programming language and by far the best for data science and machine learning. An intuitive language, it offers all the tools needed to analyze data, manipulate it, produce visualizations, and so much more.
Don’t slip behind. Data science is the future so embark on a journey you will never regret.
PYTHONPython Basics for Beginners PYTHONPython Basics for Beginners Introduction Chapter One: A Brief History of Python Chapter One: A Brief History of Python Python’s First Release Python 3.0 The Future How to Install Python Installing Python Windows 10 Installing Python on Mac OS Installing Python on Linux Troubleshooting Installation Problems Chapter Two: Python Datatypes Chapter Two: Python Datatypes Python Variables Naming Variables Python Datatypes Strings String Concatenation Whitespaces Stripping Whitespace Syntax Errors Numbers The Zen of Python Chapter Three: Python Lists Chapter Three: Python Lists Defining Lists Accessing Elements List Modification Remove() Method List Organization Sorted() Function List Length Looping Through Lists Indentation Post-Loop Unnecessary Indentation Numerical Lists List Slicing Copying Lists Chapter Four: Python Tuples Chapter Four: Python Tuples Length Changing Elements Creating Loop Overwriting a Tuple Code Styling Chapter Five: Python Conditionals Chapter Five: Python Conditionals Numerical Testing Testing Multiple Conditions The if Statement if-else Statements The if-elif-else Chain Multiple elif Statements Omitting else Block Multiple Conditions If Statement & Lists Special Items Chapter Six: Python Dictionaries Chapter Six: Python Dictionaries A Dictionary Accessing Values Empty Dictionary Modification Key-Pair Removal Looping a Dictionary Nesting Dictionary & Lists Chapter Seven: User Input & While Loops Chapter Seven: User Input & While Loops Input() Function While Loops Quit Button Flag Break Statement Continue Statement While Loops, Lists & Dictionaries Removing Instances Filling Up Dictionaries Chapter Eight: Python Functions Chapter Eight: Python Functions Arguments & Parameters Default Values Chapter Nine: Classes Chapter Nine: Classes Creating Eagle Class Conclusion References PYTHONPython Automation Techniques and Web Scraping PYTHONPython Automation Techniques and Web Scraping Introduction Chapter One: An Introduction to Python Chapter One: An Introduction to Python Running Python Choosing the Right Version Learning While Having Fun Choosing to Code Getting Started Using Python to Create Files Chapter Two: Data Types and Variables Chapter Two: Data Types and Variables Choosing the Right Identifier Python Keywords Creating and Assigning Values to Variables Using Quotes Using Whitespace Characters Chapter Three: Data Structures Chapter Three: Data Structures Items in Sequences Tuples List Stacks and Queues Dictionaries Chapter Four: Working with Strings Chapter Four: Working with Strings Splitting Strings Concatenation and Joining Strings Editing Strings How to Match Patterns Chapter Five: Conditional Statements Chapter Five: Conditional Statements Comparing Variables How to Control the Process Using the Conditional Code Loops For Understanding the Jargon Chapter Six: How to Use Files Chapter Six: How to Use Files How to Open Files Modes and Buffers Reading and Writing Closing Files Chapter Seven: Working with Functions Chapter Seven: Working with Functions Function Definitions Defining Parameters Documenting Your Function Working with Scope Manipulating Dictionaries and Lists Abstraction Chapter Eight: Web Scraping Using Python Chapter Eight: Web Scraping Using Python Understanding Web Scraping Scraping a Job Website Chapter Nine: Tasks to Automate Using Python Chapter Nine: Tasks to Automate Using Python Automating Tasks Using Python Chapter Ten: Cleaning Data Using Python Chapter Ten: Cleaning Data Using Python Dropping Columns in a Data Frame Changing the Index of a Data Frame Clearing Fields in the Data Set Combining NumPy and Str Methods to Clean Column Data Cleaning the Entire Data Set Using the applymap() Renaming Columns and Skipping Rows Python Data Cleaning: Recap and Resources Manipulating Data Using Python Exploring the Data Set Chapter Eleven: Mistakes Made by Programmers Chapter Eleven: Mistakes Made by Programmers Using Defaults as Function Arguments Incorrect Use of Class Variables Specifying Incorrect Parameters Misusing Scope of Pythons Modifying and Iterating Lists Creating Circular Modules Forgetting to Understand the Changes Between Versions Incorrect Use of Del Method Chapter Twelve: Solutions Chapter Twelve: Solutions Concatenate two strings Sum of Two Numbers Even and Odd Numbers Fibonacci Series Palindrome Access Elements in a List Slice a List Delete Elements in a List Access Elements in a Tuple Change a Tuple Create a String Conclusion References PYTHONPython for Data Science and Machine Learning PYTHONPython for Data Science and Machine Learning Introduction Part One: An Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning Part One: An Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning What Is Data Science? How Important Is Data Science? Data Science Limitations What Is Machine Learning? How Important Is Machine Learning? Machine Learning Limitations Data Science vs. Machine Learning Part Two: Introducing NumPy Part Two: Introducing NumPy What Is NumPy Library? How to Create a NumPy Array Shaping and Reshaping a NumPy array Index and Slice a NumPy Array Stack and Concatenate NumPy Arrays Broadcasting in NumPy Arrays NumPy Ufuncs Doing Math with NumPy Arrays NumPy Arrays and Images Part Three: Data Manipulation with Pandas Part Three: Data Manipulation with Pandas Question One: How Do I Create a Pandas DataFrame? Question Two – How Do I Select a Column or Index from a DataFrame? Question Three: How Do I Add a Row, Column, or Index to a DataFrame? Question Four: How Do I Delete Indices, Rows, or Columns From a Data Frame? Question Five: How Do I Rename the Columns or Index of a DataFrame? Question Six: How Do I Format the DataFrame Data? Question Seven: How Do I Create an Empty DataFrame? Question Eight: When I Import Data, Will Pandas Recognize Dates? Question Nine: When Should a DataFrame Be Reshaped? Why and How? Question Ten: How Do I Iterate Over a DataFrame? Question Eleven: How Do I Write a DataFrame to a File? Part Four: Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn Part Four: Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn Using Matplotlib to Generate Histograms Using Matplotlib to Generate Scatter Plots Using Matplotlib to Generate Bar Charts Using Matplotlib to Generate Pie Charts Visualizing Data with Seaborn Using Seaborn to Generate Histograms Using Seaborn to Generate Scatter Plots Using Seaborn to Generate Heatmaps Using Seaborn to Generate Pairs Plot Part Five: An In-Depth Guide to Machine Learning Part Five: An In-Depth Guide to Machine Learning Machine Learning Past to Present Common Machine Learning Algorithms Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier K-Nearest Neighbors Support Vector Machine Learning Algorithm Fitting Support Vector Machines Linear Regression Machine Learning Algorithm Logistic Regression Machine Learning Algorithm A Logistic Regression Model Decision Tree Machine Learning Algorithm Random Forest Machine Learning Algorithm Artificial Neural Networks Machine Learning Algorithm Machine Learning Steps Evaluating a Machine Learning Model Model Evaluation Metrics Regression Metrics Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms with Python Advantages and Disadvantages of Machine Learning Conclusion References
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