Node.js: The Comprehensive Guide to Server-Side JavaScript Programming
- Length: 834 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Rheinwerk Computing
- Publication Date: 2022-08-25
- ISBN-10: 1493222929
- ISBN-13: 9781493222926
- Sales Rank: #304007 (See Top 100 Books)
If you’re developing server-side JavaScript applications, you need Node.js! Start with the basics of the Node.js environment: installation, application structure, and modules. Then follow detailed code examples to learn about web development using frameworks like Express and Nest.js. Learn about different approaches to asynchronous programming, including RxJS and data streams. Details on peripheral topics such as testing, security, performance, and more, make this your all-in-one daily reference for Node.js!
- Your complete guide to backend programming with JavaScript
- Install the Node.js environment and learn to use core frameworks
- Debug, scale, test, and optimize your applications
- Get practical code examples as downloadable product supplements
Getting Started with Node.js
Begin your journey with Node.js. Learn about the core components of the environment such as the V8 engine and libraries. Then install Node.js and explore application development tools and the module system.
Developing Applications
Develop web applications by following practical code examples. Set up a web server using HTTP and develop apps step by step using the Express and Nest.js frameworks. Connect databases, generate interfaces using the REST server and GraphQL, implement command-line tools, handle asynchronous programming, and more.
Managing Applications
Manage your Node.js applications from development to deployment. Learn how to use package managers, implement tests, and protect against security threats. Get expert tips on scalability and performance to optimize your apps.
Dear Reader Notes on Usage Table of Contents Preface Structure of the Book Downloading the Code Samples Acknowledgments 1 Basic Principles 1.1 The Story of Node.js 1.1.1 Origins 1.1.2 Birth of Node.js 1.1.3 Breakthrough of Node.js 1.1.4 Node.js Conquers Windows 1.1.5 io.js: The Fork of Node.js 1.1.6 Node.js Reunited 1.1.7 Deno: A New Star in the JavaScript Sky 1.1.8 OpenJS Foundation 1.2 Organization of Node.js 1.2.1 Technical Steering Committee 1.2.2 Collaborators 1.2.3 Community Committee 1.2.4 Work Groups 1.2.5 OpenJS Foundation 1.3 Versioning of Node.js 1.3.1 Long-Term Support Releases 1.4 Benefits of Node.js 1.5 Areas of Use for Node.js 1.6 The Core: V8 Engine 1.6.1 Memory Model 1.6.2 Accessing Properties 1.6.3 Machine Code Generation 1.6.4 Garbage Collection 1.7 Libraries around the Engine 1.7.1 Event Loop 1.7.2 Input and Output 1.7.3 libuv 1.7.4 Domain Name System 1.7.5 Crypto 1.7.6 Zlib 1.7.7 HTTP Parser 1.8 Summary 2 Installation 2.1 Installing Packages 2.1.1 Linux 2.1.2 Windows 2.1.3 macOS 2.2 Compiling and Installing 2.3 Node Version Manager 2.4 Node and Docker 2.5 Summary 3 Developing Your First Application 3.1 Interactive Mode 3.1.1 General Use 3.1.2 Other REPL Commands 3.1.3 Saving and Loading in the REPL 3.1.4 Context of the REPL 3.1.5 REPL History 3.1.6 REPL Mode 3.1.7 Searching in the REPL 3.1.8 Asynchronous Operations in the REPL 3.2 The First Application 3.2.1 Web Server in Node.js 3.2.2 Extending the Web Server 3.2.3 Creating an HTML Response 3.2.4 Generating Dynamic Responses 3.3 Debugging Node.js Applications 3.3.1 Navigating in the Debugger 3.3.2 Information in the Debugger 3.3.3 Breakpoints 3.3.4 Debugging with Chrome Developer Tools 3.3.5 Debugging in the Development Environment 3.4 nodemon Development Tool 3.5 Summary 4 Node.js Modules 4.1 Modular Structure 4.2 Core Modules 4.2.1 Stability 4.2.2 List of Core Modules 4.2.3 Loading Core Modules 4.2.4 Global Objects 4.3 JavaScript Module Systems 4.3.1 CommonJS 4.3.2 ECMAScript Modules 4.4 Creating and Using Your Own Modules 4.4.1 Modules in Node.js: CommonJS 4.4.2 Custom Node.js Modules 4.4.3 Modules in Node.js: ECMAScript 4.4.4 Exporting Different Types of Data 4.4.5 The modules Module 4.4.6 Module Loader 4.5 Summary 5 HTTP 5.1 Web Server 5.1.1 Server Object 5.1.2 Server Events 5.1.3 Request Object 5.1.4 Handling the Request Body (Update) 5.1.5 Delivering Static Content 5.1.6 File Upload 5.1.7 Fine-Tuning the Frontend 5.2 Node.js as HTTP Client 5.2.1 Requests with the http Module 5.2.2 The request Package 5.2.3 HTML Parser 5.3 Secure Communication with HTTPS 5.3.1 Creating Certificates 5.3.2 Using HTTPS in the Web Server 5.4 HTTP/2 5.4.1 HTTP/2 Server 5.4.2 HTTP/2 Client 5.5 Summary 6 Express 6.1 Structure 6.2 Installation 6.3 Basic Principles 6.3.1 Request 6.3.2 Response 6.4 Setup 6.4.1 Structure of an Application 6.5 Movie Database 6.5.1 Routing 6.5.2 Controller 6.5.3 Model 6.5.4 View 6.6 Middleware 6.6.1 Custom Middleware 6.6.2 Morgan: Logging Middleware for Express 6.6.3 Delivering Static Content 6.7 Extended Routing: Deleting Data Records 6.8 Creating and Editing Data Records: Body Parser 6.8.1 Handling Form Input: Body Parser 6.9 Express 5 6.10 HTTPS and HTTP/2 6.10.1 HTTPS 6.10.2 HTTP/2 6.11 Summary 7 Template Engines 7.1 Custom Template Engine 7.2 Template Engines in Practice: Pug 7.2.1 Installation 7.2.2 Pug and Express: Integration 7.2.3 Variables in Pug 7.2.4 Specific Features of Pug 7.2.5 Conditions and Loops 7.2.6 Extends and Includes 7.2.7 Mixins 7.2.8 Using Pug without Express 7.2.9 Compiling 7.3 Handlebars 7.3.1 Installation 7.3.2 Integration with Express 7.3.3 Conditions and Loops 7.3.4 Partials 7.3.5 Custom Helpers 7.3.6 Handlebars without Express 7.4 Summary 8 Connecting Databases 8.1 Node.js and Relational Databases 8.1.1 MySQL 8.1.2 SQLite 8.1.3 Object-Relational Mapping 8.2 Node.js and Nonrelational Databases 8.2.1 Redis 8.2.2 MongoDB 8.3 Summary 9 Authentication and Session Handling 9.1 Passport 9.2 Setup and Configuration 9.2.1 Installation 9.2.2 Configuration 9.2.3 Strategy Configuration 9.3 Logging In to the Application 9.3.1 Login Form 9.3.2 Securing Resources 9.3.3 Logging Out 9.3.4 Connecting to the Database 9.4 Accessing Resources 9.4.1 Access Restriction 9.4.2 Submitting Ratings 9.5 Summary 10 REST Server 10.1 Introduction to REST and Usage in Web Applications 10.2 Accessing the Application 10.2.1 Postman 10.2.2 cURL 10.3 Adaptations to the Application Structure 10.4 Read Requests 10.4.1 Reading All Data Records of a Resource 10.4.2 Accessing a Data Record 10.4.3 Error Handling 10.4.4 Sorting the List 10.4.5 Controlling the Output Format 10.5 Write Requests 10.5.1 POST: Creating New Data Records 10.5.2 PUT: Modifying Existing Data Records 10.5.3 DELETE: Deleting Data Records 10.6 Authentication via JWTs 10.6.1 Login 10.6.2 Safeguarding Resources 10.6.3 Accessing User Information in the Token 10.7 OpenAPI Specification: Documentation with Swagger 10.8 Validation 10.8.1 Installation and First Validation 10.8.2 Checking Requests with a Validation Schema 10.9 Summary 11 GraphQL 11.1 GraphQL Libraries 11.2 Integration with Express 11.3 GraphiQL 11.4 Reading Data via the Interface 11.4.1 Parameterizing Queries 11.5 Write Accesses to the GraphQL Interface 11.5.1 Creating New Data Records 11.5.2 Updating and Deleting Data Records 11.6 Authentication for the GraphQL Interface 11.7 Summary 12 Real-Time Web Applications 12.1 The Sample Application 12.2 Setup 12.3 WebSockets 12.3.1 The Server Side 12.3.2 The Client Side 12.3.3 User List 12.3.4 Logout 12.4 Socket.IO 12.4.1 Installation and Integration 12.4.2 Socket.IO API 12.5 Summary 13 Type-Safe Applications in Node.js 13.1 Type Systems for Node.js 13.1.1 Flow 13.1.2 TypeScript 13.2 Tools and Configuration 13.2.1 Configuring the TypeScript Compiler 13.2.2 Integration into the Development Environment 13.2.3 ESLint 13.2.4 ts-node 13.3 Basic Principles 13.3.1 Data Types 13.3.2 Functions 13.3.3 Modules 13.4 Classes 13.4.1 Methods 13.4.2 Access Modifiers 13.4.3 Inheritance 13.5 Interfaces 13.6 Type Aliases in TypeScript 13.7 Generics 13.8 TypeScript in Use in a Node.js Application 13.8.1 Type Definitions 13.8.2 Creating Custom Type Definitions 13.8.3 Sample Express Application 13.9 Summary 14 Web Applications with Nest 14.1 Installation and Getting Started with Nest 14.2 Nest Command-Line Interface 14.2.1 Commands for Operating and Running the Application 14.2.2 Creating Structures in the Application 14.3 Structure of the Application 14.3.1 Root Directory with the Configuration Files 14.3.2 src Directory: Core of the Application 14.3.3 Other Directories of the Application 14.4 Modules: Logical Units in the Source Code 14.4.1 Creating Modules 14.4.2 Module Decorator 14.5 Controllers: Endpoints of an Application 14.5.1 Creating a Controller 14.5.2 Implementing a Controller 14.5.3 Integrating and Checking the Controller 14.6 Providers: Business Logic of the Application 14.6.1 Creating and Including a Service 14.6.2 Implementing the Service 14.6.3 Integrating the Service via Nest’s Dependency Injection 14.7 Accessing Databases 14.7.1 Setup and Installation 14.7.2 Accessing the Database 14.8 Documenting the Endpoints with OpenAPI 14.9 Authentication 14.9.1 Setup 14.9.2 Authentication Service 14.9.3 Login Controller: Endpoint for User Login 14.9.4 Protecting Routes 14.10 Outlook: Testing in Nest 14.11 Summary 15 Node on the Command Line 15.1 Basic Principles 15.1.1 Structure 15.1.2 Executability 15.2 Structure of a Command-Line Application 15.2.1 File and Directory Structure 15.2.2 Package Definition 15.2.3 Math Trainer Application 15.3 Accessing Input and Output 15.3.1 Output 15.3.2 Input 15.3.3 User Interaction with the readline Module 15.3.4 Options and Arguments 15.4 Tools 15.4.1 Commander 15.4.2 Chalk 15.4.3 node-emoji 15.5 Signals 15.6 Exit Codes 15.7 Summary 16 Asynchronous Programming 16.1 Basic Principles of Asynchronous Programming 16.1.1 The child_process Module 16.2 Running External Commands Asynchronously 16.2.1 The exec Method 16.2.2 The spawn Method 16.3 Creating Node.js Child Processes with fork Method 16.4 The cluster Module 16.4.1 Main Process 16.4.2 Worker Processes 16.5 Worker Threads 16.5.1 Shared Memory in the worker_threads Module 16.6 Promises in Node.js 16.6.1 Using util.promisify to Use Promises Where None Actually Exist 16.6.2 Concatenating Promises 16.6.3 Multiple Parallel Operations with Promise.all 16.6.4 Fastest Asynchronous Operation with Promise.race 16.6.5 Overview of the Promise Functions 16.7 Async Functions 16.7.1 Top-Level Await 16.8 Summary 17 RxJS 17.1 Basic Principles 17.1.1 Installation and Integration 17.1.2 Observable 17.1.3 Observer 17.1.4 Operator 17.1.5 Example of RxJS in Node.js 17.2 Operators 17.2.1 Creation Operators 17.2.2 Transformation Operators 17.2.3 Filtering Operators 17.2.4 Join Operators 17.2.5 Error Handling Operators 17.2.6 Utility Operators 17.2.7 Conditional Operators 17.2.8 Connection Operators 17.2.9 Conversion Operators 17.3 Subjects 17.4 Schedulers 17.5 Summary 18 Streams 18.1 Introduction 18.1.1 What Is a Stream? 18.1.2 Stream Usages 18.1.3 Available Streams 18.1.4 Stream Versions in Node.js 18.1.5 Streams Are EventEmitters 18.2 Readable Streams 18.2.1 Creating a Readable Stream 18.2.2 Readable Stream Interface 18.2.3 Events of a Readable Stream 18.2.4 Error Handling in Readable Streams 18.2.5 Methods 18.2.6 Piping 18.2.7 Readable Stream Modes 18.2.8 Switching to Flowing Mode 18.2.9 Switching to the Paused Mode 18.2.10 Custom Readable Streams 18.2.11 Example of a Readable Stream 18.2.12 Readable Shortcut 18.3 Writable Streams 18.3.1 Creating a Writable Stream 18.3.2 Events 18.3.3 Error Handling in Writable Streams 18.3.4 Methods 18.3.5 Buffering Write Operations 18.3.6 Flow Control 18.3.7 Custom Writable Streams 18.3.8 Writable Shortcut 18.4 Duplex Streams 18.4.1 Duplex Streams in Use 18.4.2 Custom Duplex Streams 18.4.3 Duplex Shortcut 18.5 Transform Streams 18.5.1 Custom Transform Streams 18.5.2 Transform Shortcut 18.6 Gulp 18.6.1 Installation 18.6.2 Example of a Build Process with Gulp 18.7 Summary 19 Working with Files 19.1 Synchronous and Asynchronous Functions 19.2 Existence of Files 19.3 Reading Files 19.3.1 Promise-Based API 19.4 Error Handling 19.5 Writing to Files 19.6 Directory Operations 19.7 Advanced Operations 19.7.1 The watch Method 19.7.2 Access Permissions 19.8 Summary 20 Socket Server 20.1 Unix Sockets 20.1.1 Accessing the Socket 20.1.2 Bidirectional Communication 20.2 Windows Pipes 20.3 TCP Sockets 20.3.1 Data Transfer 20.3.2 File Transfer 20.3.3 Flow Control 20.3.4 Duplex 20.3.5 Pipe 20.4 UDP Sockets 20.4.1 Basic Principles of a UDP Server 20.4.2 Example Illustrating the UDP Server 20.5 Summary 21 Package Manager 21.1 Most Common Operations 21.1.1 Searching Packages 21.1.2 Installing Packages 21.1.3 Viewing Installed Packages 21.1.4 Using Packages 21.1.5 Updating Packages 21.1.6 Removing Packages 21.1.7 Overview of the Most Important Commands 21.2 Advanced Operations 21.2.1 Structure of a Module 21.2.2 Creating Custom Packages 21.2.3 Node Package Manager Scripts 21.3 Tools for Node Package Manager 21.3.1 Node License Finder 21.3.2 Verdaccio 21.3.3 npm-check-updates 21.3.4 npx 21.4 Yarn 21.5 Summary 22 Quality Assurance 22.1 Style Guides 22.1.1 Airbnb Style Guide 22.2 Linter 22.2.1 ESLint 22.3 Prettier 22.3.1 Installation 22.3.2 Execution 22.4 Programming Mistake Detector: Copy/Paste Detector 22.4.1 Installation 22.4.2 Execution 22.5 Husky 22.6 Summary 23 Testing 23.1 Unit Testing 23.1.1 Directory Structure 23.1.2 Unit Tests and Node.js 23.1.3 Arrange, Act, Assert 23.2 Assertion Testing 23.2.1 Exceptions 23.2.2 Testing Promises 23.3 Jasmine 23.3.1 Installation 23.3.2 Configuration 23.3.3 Tests in Jasmine 23.3.4 Assertions 23.3.5 Spies 23.3.6 beforeEach and afterEach 23.4 Jest 23.4.1 Installation 23.4.2 First Test 23.5 Practical Example of Unit Tests with Jest 23.5.1 The Test 23.5.2 Implementation 23.5.3 Triangulation: Second Test 23.5.4 Optimizing the Implementation 23.6 Dealing with Dependencies: Mocking 23.7 Summary 24 Security 24.1 Filter Input and Escape Output 24.1.1 Filter Input 24.1.2 Blacklisting and Whitelisting 24.1.3 Escape Output 24.2 Protecting the Server 24.2.1 User Permissions 24.2.2 Problems Caused by the Single-Threaded Approach 24.2.3 Denial-of-Service Attacks 24.2.4 Regular Expressions 24.2.5 HTTP Header 24.2.6 Error Messages 24.2.7 SQL Injections 24.2.8 eval 24.2.9 Method Invocation 24.2.10 Overwriting Built-Ins 24.3 Node Package Manager Security 24.3.1 Permissions 24.3.2 Node Security Platform 24.3.3 Quality Aspect 24.3.4 Node Package Manager Scripts 24.4 Client Protection 24.4.1 Cross-Site Scripting 24.4.2 Cross-Site Request Forgery 24.5 Summary 25 Scalability and Deployment 25.1 Deployment 25.1.1 Simple Deployment 25.1.2 File Synchronization via rsync 25.1.3 Application as a Service 25.1.4 node_modules in Deployment 25.1.5 Installing Applications Using Node Package Manager 25.1.6 Installing Packages Locally 25.2 Tool Support 25.2.1 Grunt 25.2.2 Gulp 25.2.3 Node Package Manager 25.3 Scaling 25.3.1 Child Processes 25.3.2 Load Balancer 25.3.3 Node in the Cloud 25.4 pm2: Process Management 25.5 Docker 25.5.1 Dockerfile 25.5.2 Starting the Container 25.6 Summary 26 Performance 26.1 You Aren’t Gonna Need It 26.2 CPU 26.2.1 CPU-Blocking Operations 26.2.2 Measuring the CPU Load 26.2.3 CPU Profiling with Chrome DevTools 26.2.4 Alternatives to the Profiler: console.time 26.2.5 Alternatives to the Profiler: Performance-Hooks Interface 26.3 Memory 26.3.1 Memory Leaks 26.3.2 Memory Analysis in DevTools 26.3.3 Node.js Memory Statistics 26.4 Network 26.5 Summary 27 Microservices with Node.js 27.1 Basic Principles 27.1.1 Monolithic Architecture 27.1.2 Microservice Architecture 27.2 Architecture 27.2.1 Communication between Individual Services 27.3 Infrastructure 27.3.1 Docker Compose 27.4 Asynchronous Microservice with RabbitMQ 27.4.1 Installation and Setup 27.4.2 Connecting to the RabbitMQ Server 27.4.3 Handling Incoming Messages 27.4.4 Database Connection 27.4.5 Docker Setup 27.5 API Gateway 27.5.1 Connecting the User Service 27.5.2 Asynchronous Communication with the User Service 27.5.3 Docker Setup of the API Gateway 27.5.4 Authentication 27.6 Synchronous Microservice with Express 27.6.1 Setup 27.6.2 Controller 27.6.3 Model Implementation 27.6.4 Docker Setup 27.6.5 Integration into the API Gateway 27.7 Summary 28 Deno 28.1 The Ten Things Ryan Dahl Regrets about Node.js 28.1.1 Promises 28.1.2 Security 28.1.3 The Generate Your Projects Build System 28.1.4 Package.json 28.1.5 Node_modules 28.1.6 Optional File Extension When Loading Modules 28.1.7 Index.js 28.1.8 What’s Going on Now with Node.js 28.2 Installing Deno 28.2.1 Deno Command-Line Interface 28.3 Execution 28.3.1 Running a TypeScript Application 28.4 Handling Files 28.4.1 The Task: Copying a File 28.4.2 Processing Command-Line Options 28.4.3 Reading Files 28.4.4 Permissions in Deno 28.4.5 readTextFile Function 28.4.6 Writing Files with Deno 28.5 Web Server with Deno 28.6 Module System 28.6.1 Loading External Modules into Deno 28.6.2 28.6.3 Using Node Package Manager Packages 28.7 Summary The Author Index Service Pages Legal Notes
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