Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step, 10th Edition
- Length: 832 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Microsoft Press
- Publication Date: 2022-03-18
- ISBN-10: 0137619839
- ISBN-13: 9780137619832
- Sales Rank: #635444 (See Top 100 Books)
Your hands-on guide to Visual C# fundamentals with Visual Studio 2022
Expand your expertise―and teach yourself the fundamentals of programming the latest version of Visual C# with Visual Studio 2022. This book provides software developers all the guidance, exercises, and code needed to start building responsive, scalable, cloud-connected applications that can run almost anywhere.
Discover how to:
- Quickly start creating Visual C# code and projects with Visual Studio
- Work with variables, operators, expressions, methods, and program flow
- Build more robust apps with error, exception, and resource management
- Spot problems fast with the integrated Visual Studio 2022 debugger
- Master new default interface methods, static local functions, async disposable types, and other enhancements
- Make the most of the C# object model, and create functional data structures
- Leverage advanced properties, indexers, generics, and collection classes
- Create Windows 11 apps that share data, collaborate, and use cloud services
- Use lightweight records to build immutable reference types more easily
- Perform complex queries over object collections with LINQ
- Improve application throughput and response time with asynchronous methods
- Use delegates and decoupling to construct highly extensible systems
- Customize C# operator behavior over your own classes and structures
- Implement the powerful Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern
- Build UWP applications that retrieve complex data and present it intuitively
Cover Page Title Page Copyright Page Pearson’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Contents at a Glance Contents Acknowledgments About the author Introduction Who should read this book Who should not read this book Finding your best starting point in this book Conventions and features in this book System requirements Code samples Errata and book support Stay in touch Part I: Introducing Microsoft Visual C# and Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Chapter 1. Welcome to C# Writing your first C# program Beginning programming with the Visual Studio 2022 environment Writing your first program using Visual Studio 2022 Using namespaces Namespaces and assemblies Commenting code Creating a graphical application Summary Quick Reference Chapter 2. Working with variables, operators, and expressions Understanding statements Using identifiers Identifying keywords Using variables Working with primitive data types Using arithmetic operators Incrementing and decrementing variables Declaring implicitly typed local variables Summary Quick Reference Chapter 3. Writing methods and applying scope Creating methods Calling methods Applying scope Using the Visual Studio Debugger to step through methods Using optional parameters and named arguments Summary Quick reference Chapter 4. Using decision statements Declaring Boolean variables Using Boolean operators Using if statements to make decisions Using switch statements Using switch expressions with pattern matching Summary Quick reference Chapter 5. Using compound assignment and iteration statements Using compound assignment operators Writing while statements Writing for statements Writing do statements Summary Quick reference Chapter 6. Managing errors and exceptions Trying code and catching exceptions Using checked and unchecked integer arithmetic Throwing exceptions Using a finally block Summary Quick reference Part II: Understanding the C# object model Chapter 7. Creating and managing classes and objects Understanding classification The purpose of encapsulation Defining and using a class Controlling accessibility Working with constructors Understanding static methods and data Anonymous classes Summary Quick reference Chapter 8. Understanding values and references Copying value type variables and classes Understanding null values and nullable types Using ref and out parameters How computer memory is organized Casting data safely Summary Quick reference Chapter 9. Creating value types with enumerations and structures Working with enumerations Working with structures Summary Quick reference Chapter 10. Using arrays Declaring array variables Creating an array instance Populating and using an array Copying arrays Using multidimensional arrays Accessing arrays that contain value types Summary Quick reference Chapter 11. Understanding parameter arrays Overloading: a recap Using array arguments Comparing parameter arrays and optional parameters Summary Quick reference Chapter 12. Working with inheritance What is inheritance? Using inheritance Creating extension methods Summary Quick reference Chapter 13. Creating interfaces and defining abstract classes Understanding interfaces Abstract classes Sealed classes Summary Quick reference Chapter 14. Using garbage collection and resource management The life and times of an object Resource management Implementing exception-safe disposal Handling asynchronous disposal Summary Quick reference Part III: Understanding the C# object model Chapter 15. Implementing properties to access fields Implementing encapsulation by using methods What are properties? Understanding property restrictions Declaring interface properties Generating automatic properties Initializing objects by using properties Using records with properties to implement lightweight structures Summary Quick reference Chapter 16. Handling binary data and using indexers What is an indexer? Understanding indexer accessors Comparing indexers and arrays Indexers in interfaces Using indexers in a Windows application Summary Quick reference Chapter 17. Introducing generics The problem: Issues with the object type The generics solution Creating a generic class Creating a generic method Variance and generic interfaces Summary Quick reference Chapter 18. Using collections What are collection classes? Using collection initializers Find methods, predicates, and lambda expressions Comparing arrays and collections Summary Quick reference Chapter 19. Enumerating collections Enumerating the elements in a collection Implementing an enumerator by using an iterator Summary Quick reference Chapter 20. Decoupling application logic and handling events Understanding delegates Examples of delegates in the .NET class library Lambda expressions and delegates Enabling notifications by using events Understanding user-interface events Using events Summary Quick reference Chapter 21. Querying in-memory data by using query expressions What is LINQ? Using LINQ in a C# application LINQ and deferred evaluation Summary Quick reference Chapter 22. Operator overloading Understanding operators Declaring increment and decrement operators Comparing operators in structures and classes Defining operator pairs Implementing operators Overriding the equality operators Understanding conversion operators Summary Quick reference Part IV: Building Universal Windows Platform applications with C# Chapter 23. Improving throughput by using tasks Why perform multitasking by using parallel processing? The rise of the multicore processor Implementing multitasking by using Microsoft .NET Canceling tasks and handling exceptions Summary Quick reference Chapter 24. Improving response time by performing asynchronous operations Implementing asynchronous methods Using PLINQ to parallelize declarative data access Synchronizing concurrent access to data Summary Quick reference Chapter 25. Implementing the user interface for a Universal Windows Platform app Features of a Universal Windows Platform app Using the Blank App template to build a Universal Windows Platform app Implementing a scalable user interface Applying styles to a UI Summary Quick reference Chapter 26. Displaying and searching for data in a Universal Windows Platform app Implementing the Model-View-ViewModel pattern Displaying data by using data binding Creating a ViewModel Adding commands to a ViewModel Summary Quick reference Chapter 27. Accessing a remote database from a Universal Windows Platform app Retrieving data from a database Updating the UWP application to use the web service Searching for data in the Customers app Inserting, updating, and deleting data through a REST web service Summary Quick reference Index Code Snippets
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