Learn Javascript Quickly And Jquery Coding Practice Exercises: Coding For Beginners
- Length: 137 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publication Date: 2021-06-26
- ISBN-10: B09825ST9K
- Sales Rank: #0 (See Top 100 Books)
This book contains JAVASCRIPT BASICS JQUERY coding exercises for beginners. It’s useful Job interviews and college examinations. This book only for absolute beginners.
Introduction to Javascript
Javascript: Hello world program
Javascript: Variables
Javascript: Statements
Javascript: comments
JavaScript: Types
Javascript: operators
Javascript: Arithmetic Operators
Javascript: Increment/decrement: ++, — operators
Javascript: Bitwise operators
JavaScript: Logical operators
JavaScript: Assignment operators
JavaScript: Compound Assignment operator
Javascript: Ternary operator
JavaScript: Working with boolean values
JavaScript: Decision Making: if, if-then
Javascript: if-else-if-else ladder
JavaScript: Decision making using switch statement
JavaScript: loops
JavaScript: do-while loop
JavaScript: for loop
JavaScript: break statement
JavaScript: continue statement
JavaScript: break in label form
JavaScript: for in loop
JavaScript: for-of loop
JavaScript: get the type of variable
JavaScript: Working with strings
JavaScript: Nested functions
JavaScript: Array
JavaScript: Introduction to Classes
JavaScript: Define class using class expressions
jQuery: Find all textareas
jQuery: Set the background color red
jQuery: Insert some HTML
jQuery: Animate the paragraph
jQuery: Animate a division’s left property
jQuery: Animate the first division’s left property
jQuery: Change the color of any div
jQuery: Finds all elements that are checked or selected
jQuery: Finds the checked radio input
jQuery: Get the background color of a clicked division
jQuery: Change the color of any paragraph
Blink text
Create table effect
Make first word bold
Underline all the words
Change button text using jQuery
Add options to a drop-down list
Set background-image
Count every element
Count all elements
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