Five Lines of Code: How and when to refactor
- Length: 275 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Manning
- Publication Date: 2021-11-09
- ISBN-10: 161729831X
- ISBN-13: 9781617298318
- Sales Rank: #24819608 (See Top 100 Books)
Five Lines of Code teaches refactoring that’s focused on concrete rules and getting any method down to five lines or less! There’s no jargon or tricky automated-testing skills required, just easy guidelines and patterns illustrated by detailed code samples.
Improving existing code—refactoring—is one of the most common tasks you’ll face as a programmer. Written for working developers, Five Lines of Code teaches you clear and actionable refactoring rules that you can apply without relying on intuitive judgements. Thanks to this hands-on guide, you’ll find yourself programming faster while still delivering high-quality code that your teammates will love to work with.
Five Lines of Code teaches refactoring that’s focused on concrete rules and getting any method down to five lines or less! There’s no jargon or tricky automated-testing skills required, just easy guidelines and patterns illustrated by detailed code samples. Chapter by chapter you’ll put techniques into action by refactoring a complete 2D puzzle game. Before you know it, you’ll be making serious and tangible improvements to your codebase.
brief contents contents foreword preface Goal: The selected rules and refactoring patterns Audience and roadmap About the teaching About the code liveBook discussion forum Bonus project acknowledgments about the author about the cover illustration 1 Refactoring refactoring 1.1 What is refactoring? 1.2 Skills: What to refactor? 1.2.1 An example code smell 1.2.2 An example rule 1.3 Culture: When to refactor? 1.3.1 Refactoring in a legacy system 1.3.2 When should you not refactor? 1.4 Tools: How to refactor (safely) 1.5 Tools you need to get started 1.5.1 Programming language: TypeScript 1.5.2 Editor: Visual Studio Code 1.5.3 Version control: Git 1.6 Overarching example: A 2D puzzle game 1.6.1 Practice makes perfect: A second codebase 1.7 A note on real-world software Summary 2 Looking under the hood of refactoring 2.1 Improving readability and maintainability 2.1.1 Making code better 2.1.2 Maintaining code . . . without changing what it does 2.2 Gaining speed, flexibility, and stability 2.2.1 Favoring composition over inheritance 2.2.2 Changing code by addition rather than modification 2.3 Refactoring and your daily work 2.3.1 Refactoring as a method for learning 2.4 Defining the “domain” in a software context Summary Part 1—Learn by refactoring a computer game 3 Shatter long functions 3.1 Establishing our first rule: Why five lines? 3.1.1 Rule: Five lines 3.2 Introducing a refactoring pattern to break up functions 3.2.1 Refactoring pattern: Extract method 3.3 Breaking up functions to balancing abstraction 3.3.1 Rule: Either call or pass 3.3.2 Applying the rule 3.4 Properties of a good function name 3.5 Breaking up functions that are doing too much 3.5.1 Rule: if only at the start 3.5.2 Applying the rule Summary 4 Make type codes work 4.1 Refactoring a simple if statement 4.1.1 Rule: Never use if with else 4.1.2 Applying the rule 4.1.3 Refactoring pattern: Replace type code with classes 4.1.4 Pushing code into classes 4.1.5 Refactoring pattern: Push code into classes 4.1.6 Inlining a superfluous method 4.1.7 Refactoring pattern: Inline method 4.2 Refactoring a large if statement 4.2.1 Removing generality 4.2.2 Refactoring pattern: Specialize method 4.2.3 The only switch allowed 4.2.4 Rule: Never use switch 4.2.5 Eliminating the if 4.3 Addressing code duplication 4.3.1 Couldn’t we use an abstract class instead of the interface? 4.3.2 Rule: Only inherit from interfaces 4.3.3 What is up with all this code duplication? 4.4 Refactoring a pair of complex if statements 4.5 Removing dead code 4.5.1 Refactoring pattern: Try delete then compile Summary 5 Fuse similar code together 5.1 Unifying similar classes 5.1.1 Refactoring pattern: Unify similar classes 5.2 Unifying simple conditions 5.2.1 Refactoring pattern: Combine ifs 5.3 Unifying complex conditions 5.3.1 Using arithmetic rules for conditions 5.3.2 Rule: Use pure conditions 5.3.3 Applying condition arithmetic 5.4 Unifying code across classes 5.4.1 Introducing UML class diagrams to depict class relations 5.4.2 Refactoring pattern: Introduce strategy pattern 5.4.3 Rule: No interface with only one implementation 5.4.4 Refactoring pattern: Extract interface from implementation 5.5 Unifying similar functions 5.6 Unifying similar code Summary 6 Defend the data 6.1 Encapsulating without getters 6.1.1 Rule: Do not use getters or setters 6.1.2 Applying the rule 6.1.3 Refactoring pattern: Eliminate getter or setter 6.1.4 Eliminating the final getter 6.2 Encapsulating simple data 6.2.1 Rule: Never have common affixes 6.2.2 Applying the rule 6.2.3 Refactoring pattern: Encapsulate data 6.3 Encapsulating complex data 6.4 Eliminating a sequence invariant 6.4.1 Refactoring pattern: Enforce sequence 6.5 Eliminating enums another way 6.5.1 Enumeration through private constructors 6.5.2 Remapping numbers to classes Summary Part 2—Taking what you have learned into the real world 7 Collaborate with the compiler 7.1 Getting to know the compiler 7.1.1 Weakness: The halting problem limits compile-time knowledge 7.1.2 Strength: Reachability ensures that methods return 7.1.3 Strength: Definite assignment prevents accessing uninitialized variables 7.1.4 Strength: Access control helps encapsulate data 7.1.5 Strength: Type checking proves properties 7.1.6 Weakness: Dereferencing null crashes our application 7.1.7 Weakness: Arithmetic errors cause overflows or crashes 7.1.8 Weakness: Out-of-bounds errors crash our application 7.1.9 Weakness: Infinite loops stall our application 7.1.10 Weakness: Deadlocks and race conditions cause unintended behavior 7.2 Using the compiler 7.2.1 Making the compiler work 7.2.2 Don’t fight the compiler 7.3 Trusting the compiler 7.3.1 Teach the compiler invariants 7.3.2 Pay attention to warnings 7.4 Trusting the compiler exclusively Summary 8 Stay away from comments 8.1 Deleting outdated comments 8.2 Deleting commented-out code 8.3 Deleting trivial comments 8.4 Transforming comments into method names 8.4.1 Using comments for planning 8.5 Keeping invariant-documenting comments 8.5.1 Invariants in the process Summary 9 Love deleting code 9.1 Deleting code may be the next frontier 9.2 Deleting code to get rid of incidental complexity 9.2.1 Technical ignorance from inexperience 9.2.2 Technical waste from time pressure 9.2.3 Technical debt from circumstances 9.2.4 Technical drag from growing 9.3 Categorizing code based on intimacy 9.4 Deleting code in a legacy system 9.4.1 Using the strangler fig pattern to get insight 9.4.2 Using the strangler fig pattern to improve the code 9.5 Deleting code from a frozen project 9.5.1 Making the desired outcome the default 9.5.2 Minimizing waste with spike and stabilize 9.6 Deleting branches in version control 9.6.1 Minimizing waste by enforcing a branch limit 9.7 Deleting code documentation 9.7.1 Algorithm to determine how to codify knowledge 9.8 Deleting testing code 9.8.1 Deleting optimistic tests 9.8.2 Deleting pessimistic tests 9.8.3 Fixing or deleting flaky tests 9.8.4 Refactoring the code to get rid of complicated tests 9.8.5 Specializing tests to speed them up 9.9 Deleting configuration code 9.9.1 Scoping configuration in time 9.10 Deleting code to get rid of libraries 9.10.1 Limiting our reliance on external libraries 9.11 Deleting code from working features Summary 10 Never be afraid to add code 10.1 Accepting uncertainty: Enter the danger 10.2 Using spikes to overcome the fear of building the wrong thing 10.3 Overcoming the fear of waste or risk with a fixed ratio 10.4 Overcoming the fear of imperfection by embracing gradual improvement 10.5 How copy and paste effects change velocity 10.6 Modification by addition through extensibility 10.7 Modification by addition enables backward compatibility 10.8 Modification by addition through feature toggles 10.9 Modification by addition through branch by abstraction Summary 11 Follow the structure in the code 11.1 Categorizing structure based on scope and origin 11.2 Three ways that code mirrors behavior 11.2.1 Expressing behavior in the control flow 11.2.2 Expressing behavior in the structure of the data 11.2.3 Expressing behavior in the data 11.3 Adding code to expose structure 11.4 Observing instead of predicting, and using empirical techniques 11.5 Gaining safety without understanding the code 11.5.1 Gaining safety through testing 11.5.2 Gaining safety through mastery 11.5.3 Gaining safety through tool assistance 11.5.4 Gaining safety through formal verification 11.5.5 Gaining safety through fault tolerance 11.6 Identifying unexploited structures 11.6.1 Exploiting whitespace with extraction and encapsulation 11.6.2 Exploiting duplication with unification 11.6.3 Exploiting common affixes with encapsulation 11.6.4 Exploiting the runtime type with dynamic dispatch Summary 12 Avoid optimizations and generality 12.1 Striving for simplicity 12.2 When and how to generalize 12.2.1 Building minimally to avoid generality 12.2.2 Unifying things of similar stability 12.2.3 Eliminating unnecessary generality 12.3 When and how to optimize 12.3.1 Refactoring before optimizing 12.3.2 Optimizing according to the theory of constraints 12.3.3 Guiding optimization with metrics 12.3.4 Choosing good algorithms and data structures 12.3.5 Using caching 12.3.6 Isolating optimized code Summary 13 Make bad code look bad 13.1 Signaling process issues with bad code 13.2 Segregating into pristine and legacy code 13.2.1 The broken window theory 13.3 Approaches to defining bad code 13.3.1 The rules in this book: Simple and concrete 13.3.2 Code smells: Complete and abstract 13.3.3 Cyclomatic complexity: Algorithmic (objective) 13.3.4 Cognitive complexity: Algorithmic (subjective) 13.4 Rules for safely vandalizing code 13.5 Methods for safely vandalizing code 13.5.1 Using enums 13.5.2 Using ints and strings as type codes 13.5.3 Putting magic numbers in the code 13.5.4 Adding comments to the code 13.5.5 Putting whitespace in the code 13.5.6 Grouping things based on naming 13.5.7 Adding context to names 13.5.8 Creating long methods 13.5.9 Giving methods many parameters 13.5.10 Using getters and setters Summary 14 Wrapping up 14.1 Reflecting on the journey of this book 14.1.1 Introduction: Motivation 14.1.2 Part 1: Making it concrete 14.1.3 Part 2: Widening the horizon 14.2 Exploring the underlying philosophy 14.2.1 Searching for ever-smaller steps 14.2.2 Searching for the underlying structure 14.2.3 Using the rules for collaboration 14.2.4 Prioritizing the team over individuals 14.2.5 Prioritize simplicity over completeness 14.2.6 Using objects or higher-order functions 14.3 Where to go from here 14.3.1 Micro-architecture route 14.3.2 Macro-architecture route 14.3.3 Software quality route Summary Appendix A—Installing the tools for part Node.js TypeScript Visual Studio Code Git Setting up the TypeScript project Building the TypeScript project How to modify the level index Numerics A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W
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