Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings, 10th Edition
- Length: 640 pages
- Edition: 10
- Language: English
- Publisher: Cengage Learning
- Publication Date: 2023-01-01
- ISBN-10: 0357717775
- ISBN-13: 9780357717776
- Sales Rank: #0 (See Top 100 Books)
Carefully review the decision-making process of business leaders today and discover common threads behind ethical challenges in Jennings’ best-selling BUSINESS ETHICS: CASE STUDIES AND SELECTED READINGS, 10E. The latest cases, new examples and intriguing readings drawn from pop culture, business and history introduce today’s ethical issues, the consequences and societal costs. You learn how to recognize and resolve ethical issues to become a stronger business leader. Probing questions prompt you to evaluate situations like actions of the NBA in China or the NFLs Taking-a-Knee issue. You learn how specific behaviors can lead to ethical or legal breaches as you work through real examples of business decisions gone awry. You study patterns and choices in examples such as how behaviors have changed during the pandemic, how employees gamed fitness devices for insurance discounts or how parents cheated to get their children into top universities.
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