Universal Principles of UX: 100 Timeless Strategies to Create Positive Interactions between People and Technology (Volume 4)
- Length: 224 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Rockport Publishers
- Publication Date: 2023-03-07
- ISBN-10: 0760378045
- ISBN-13: 9780760378045
- Sales Rank: #368120 (See Top 100 Books)
Master the art of user experience design through the 100 laws, guidelines, human biases, and general considerations in this comprehensive, cross-disciplinary encyclopedia.
Richly illustrated and easy to navigate, Universal Principles of UX pairs clear explanations of each concept with visual examples of the ideas applied in practice. The book is organized into six broad categories:
And, features principles as diverse as:
Design is not neutral
Make the choice easy
Some complexity cannot be reduced
Map the ecosystem
So you think you can scroll
Don’t grade your own homework
User Experience is a field notable for its expansiveness, complexity and persistent evolution. This book is not a chronological retelling of the history of user experience design. It is also not a technical how-to book that will show you how to become a perfect user experience designer one step at a time. It’s a philosophical anthology of case studies, situations, problems, and contradictions encountered across more than fifteen years of working on real world client projects that will teach you how to think, rather than tell you what to do.
Each principle is presented in a two-page format. The left-hand page contains a succinct definition, a full description of the principle, examples of its use, and guidelines for use. Sidenotes appear to the right of the text, and provide elaborations and references. The right-hand page contains visual examples and related graphics to support a deeper understanding of the principle.
This landmark reference is the standard for designers, engineers, managers, and students who seek to broaden and improve their user experience design expertise.
The titles in the Rockport Universal series offer comprehensive and authoritative information and edifying and inspiring visual examples on multidisciplinary subjects for designers, architects, engineers, students, and anyone who is interested in expanding and enriching their design knowledge.
Cover Title Contents Preface Consider 01 The user comes first. 02 Work on UX and UI simultaneously. 03 UI makes or breaks usability. 04 Always surpass expectations. 05 Design is not neutral. 06 Words matter. 07 Visual metaphors communicate fastest. 08 Attractive products are more usable. 09 People remember the unusual. 10 First and last items are remembered most. 11 Less is more. 12 Less is a bore. 13 Provide feedback quickly or else. 14 Friction isn’t always bad. 15 First impressions matter. 16 UX design isn’t timeless. 17 Nothing last forever. Empathize 18 Accessibility first. 19 Allow for differences in digital literacy. 20 Take extra care of seniors. 21 Children are not small adults. 22 Design for learnability. 23 Don’t just design for novices. 24 Make the choice easy. 25 Diverse teams create better solutions. 26 Context matters more than screen size. 27 Design for clumsy handling. 28 Match the real world. 29 Know when to break with convention. 30 Persuade, don’t coerce. 31 Design for passive attention. 32 Know the purpose. 33 Only interrupt when necessary. 34 Make notifications valuable. 35 Minimize form input. 36 Little time, little design. 37 Rules are meant to be broken. Define 38 Choose the right client. 39 Be a good detective. 40 Gather requirements. 41 Define the problem statement. 42 Find shortcuts. 43 Done is better than perfect. 44 Underpromise and overdeliver. 45 Introduce complexity only when necessary. 46 Some complexity cannot be reduced. 47 Imagine the user journey. 48 Create a user flow. 49 Remove barriers and obstacles. 50 What isn’t there matters. 51 Pointing devices inform functionality. Research 52 Design cannot be fully objective. 53 Most of the science in design is bullshit. 54 Do just enough research. 55 Map the ecosystem. 56 Look at the data. 57 Not everything that counts can be counted. 58 Test for statistical generalizability. 59 Don’t base personas on assumptions. 60 Keep your enemies close. 61 Learn from bad examples. 62 Make expectations work in your favor. 63 Uncover consensus and ambiguity. Design 64 Brainstorm efficiently. 65 Build consensus. 66 Learn from real-world navigation. 67 Build a logical structure. 68 Visualize the relationship between pages. 69 Don’t get gimmicky with navigation. 70 Yes, side doors matter. 71 Prime before presenting. 72 Move from low to high fidelity. 73 Don’t just illustrate, annotate. 74 Interaction design is the brand. 75 Bad typography leads to bad UX. 76 So you think you can scroll. 77 Animate responsibly. 78 Make data lovable. 79 Dark mode rises. 80 Never give total control. 81 Personalization is hit or miss. 82 A word is worth a thousand pictures. 83 Understand the sales funnel. 84 Target the right devices. 85 Systems are great for corporations. 86 Modularity is great for designers. 87 Expect the unexpected. Validate 88 Voice assistants suck. 89 Don’t ask for unnecessary things. 90 Manage errors effectively. 91 Accept many inputs. 92 Confirm user actions. 93 Broken pages shouldn’t feel broken. 94 Fill the gap imagination can’t bridge. 95 Metric-based design is silly. 96 Most issues can be spotted a mile ahead. 97 Don’t grade your own homework. 98 Get the most bang for your buck. 99 Stay involved postlaunch. 100 Lower expectations for high satisfaction. About the Author Acknowledgments Index Copyright
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