Puzzle and Proof: A Decade of Problems from the Utah Math Olympiad
- Length: 122 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: A K Peters/CRC Press
- Publication Date: 2024-08-13
- ISBN-10: 1032755520
- ISBN-13: 9781032755526
- Sales Rank: #0 (See Top 100 Books)
Puzzle and Proof: A Decade of Problems from the Utah Math Olympiadis a compilation of the problems and solutions for the first 10 years of the Utah Math Olympiad. The problems are challenging but should be understandable at a high school level. Besides putting all problems in one place (70 in total), which have not previously appeared in print, the book provides additional inspiration for many of the problems and will contain the first published solutions for 10 problems that were originally published on the contest flyer. The book will be a fantastic resource for anyone who enjoys mathematical and/or logic puzzles or is interested in studying for mathematics competitions.
- 70 carefully designed, high-quality high-school level math proof problems, with full solutions
- Detailed pictures and diagrams throughout to aid understanding
- Suitable for anyone with high school-level mathematics skills with an interest in furthering their understanding, or just enjoying the puzzles
- Solutions in the back of the book, sorting the problems by difficulty and topic.
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