Data-Driven Systems and Intelligent Applications
- Length: 180 pages
- Edition: source url 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: CRC Press
- Publication Date: 2024-10-09
- ISBN-10: 1032445963
- ISBN-13: 9781032445960
- Sales Rank: #0 (See Top 100 Books) This book comprehensively discusses basic data-driven intelligent systems, the methods for processing the data, and cloud computing with artificial intelligence. It presents fundamental and advanced techniques used for handling large user data, and for the data stored in the cloud. It further covers data-driven decision-making for smart logistics and manufacturing systems, network security, and privacy issues in cloud computing.
Buy Diazepam RedditBuy Valium Reviews This book: Discusses intelligent systems and cloud computing with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
- Showcases the importance of machine learning and deep learning in data-driven and cloud-based applications to improve their capabilities and intelligence.
- Presents the latest developments in data-driven and cloud applications with respect to their design and architecture.
- Covers artificial intelligence methods along with their experimental result analysis through data processing tools.
- Presents the advent of machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement technique for cloud computing to provide cost-effective and efficient services. The text will be useful for senior undergraduate, graduate students, and academic researchers in diverse fields including electrical engineering, electronics and communications engineering, computer engineering, manufacturing engineering, and production engineering. 1. Disable the follow url AdBlock plugin. Otherwise, you may not get any links. 2. Solve the CAPTCHA. site 3. Click download link. 4. Lead to download server to download.
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