Architecture of complex web applications, 2nd Edition: With examples in Laravel(PHP)
- Length: 297 pages
- Edition: 2
- Language: English
- Publication Date: 2024-06-25
- ISBN-10: B0D8398D2D
- ISBN-13: 9798329329131
- Sales Rank: #0 (See Top 100 Books)
I have seen many projects that grew out of a simple “MVC” structure. Developers often explain the MVC pattern: “View is HTML templates, Model is an Active Record class (like Eloquent), and one controller to rule them all!”. Well, not just one, but all additional logic is usually implemented in controller classes. Controllers often contain a lot of code that implements various logic: image uploads, external API calls, database operations, etc. Sometimes some logic is extracted into “base” controllers to reduce code duplication, but they grow into thousands of lines. The same problems arise in both medium-sized projects and large portals with millions of daily visitors. In this book, I will show the most common problems that appear during the growth of a project and how developers usually solve them.
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